Principal Approval Page

Principal Approval Page

In this form, principal can search students by Stream, Sub-Stream, Student Type and Student Name, Surname, Guardian Name, StudentId, Application number, Principal Approval.

To submit your search, click on Search option. To clear the selected values, click on Clear.

On submission, a grid will display the basic values of the students accordingly. Total Records found are displayed at bottom.

By Clicking on Column Name Student Name, Application Number and StudentId (which shown in Blue Color and having underline)in the List You can do Sorting.

By Clicking on Export To Excel button Student List will Automatically exported in Excel Sheet.

By Clicking on Export To pdf button Student List will Automatically exported in pdf format.

Pricipal can approve student registered for the exam as well as he can view students information for current exam.

By Clicking on View button, school can view particular students information.

To approve student for examination, principal has to click on principal approval selection box and click on submit button.

After principal approval, student application cannot be edited.

Principal can approve any student only till the verification date that is provided.